MuxPi software installation


Below manual, assumes that you have MuxPi board connected to your machine’s local network and it is avaliable at address. If you set another address or use DHCP server substitute that address for yours.


It is recommended to cross-compile MuxPi’s software on your host machine, rather than install go-toolchain on MuxPi’s NanoPi NEO board.

Building binaries

Building using docker

  1. Prerequisites

  2. Clone MuxPi and go to that directory with software:

    $ git clone && cd muxpi/sw/nanopi
  3. Build MuxPi software:

    $ make docker-build

    Resulting binaries will be in bin directory.

Building from source

  1. Prerequisites

  2. Go get it and go to muxpi directory:

    $ go get
    $ cd $GOPATH/src/
  3. Download dependencies:

    $ go get ./...
  4. Build binaries:

    $ mkdir -p bin
    $ GOARCH=arm GOOARM=7 GOOS=linux go build -o bin/stm ./cmd/stm/
    $ GOARCH=arm GOOARM=7 GOOS=linux go build -o bin/fota ./cmd/fota/


Install muxpi-power

  1. Copy muxpi-power files to your MuxPi:

    $ scp power/muxpi-power root@
    $ scp power/systemd/muxpi-power.service root@
  2. On your MuxPi device, enable and start muxpi-power service:

    # systemctl enable muxpi-power.service
    # systemctl start muxpi-power.service

    When you restart MuxPi board, you should see that after system boot, board comes alive - e.g. display lights up.

Install stm

  1. Copy stm binary and systemd files to MuxPi device:

    $ scp bin/stm root@
    $ scp stm/systemd/stm.service root@
    $ scp stm/systemd/stm-user.socket root@
    $ scp stm/systemd/stm.socket root@
    $ scp stm/stm root@
  2. On your MuxPi device - create group stm and add your user (assumed to be stm:

    # groupadd stm
    # usermod -aG stm pi
  3. On your MuxPi device - enable stm sockets:

    # systemctl daemon-reload
    # systemctl enable stm.socket stm-user.socket
    # systemctl start stm.socket stm-user.socket


    Currently stm is not safe for concurrent use and requires root to operate (or whoever /dev/ttyS2 permissions point to). It is recommended to install stm as an auto starting service as described above.


    stm.service should NOT be started manually or enabled, because when run through systemd, stm expects to be able to obtain the aforementioned socket paths from systemd, which is only possible when the service is launched by the sockets.

Install fota

  1. Copy fota binary to MuxPi device:

    $ scp bin/fota root@
  2. On your MuxPi device - create a symlink from /usr/local/bin/fota to /usr/bin/fota/. Only /usr/local/bin/fota/ should be used by software interfacing with MuxPi. This allows to swap fota implementation to your preferred tool:

    # ln -s /usr/bin/fota /usr/local/bin/fota